Javelin throwers are competing with each other in the spotlight while the Cold War is raging behind the scenes. Be there when twelve human or phone controlled t...
Soviet Ch: Javelin 1980 Trial

Javelin throwers are competing with each other in the spotlight while the Cold War is raging behind the scenes. Be there when twelve human or phone controlled titans struggle to bring fame and glory to their country!After the competition, compare your statistics with other players' statistics world-wide using game's www-based statistics service.Features include: Twelve human or phone controlled players, six-round competitions - eight best athletes will proceed to the three final rounds, twenty countries of the era, touch screen optimized controls, continue from the exact spot you left off last time - excellent game for even the shortest gaming sessions, statistics with a www-based statistics service and an interactive soundscape.This is the trial version of Soviet Challenge: Javelin 1980 game (get full version from https://market.android.com/details?id=com.eitbit.sovietchallengejavelin1980).
Soviet Ch: Javelin 1980 Trial游戏截图

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