The transport industry is a vibrant and diverse indutry that requires a skilful and dedicated workforce. The TWU is proud to represent those men and women who w...
Transport Workers Union

The transport industry is a vibrant and diverse indutry that requires a skilful and dedicated workforce. The TWU is proud to represent those men and women who work in the transport industry.Union membership has never been more important than in today's climate of industrial relations change. A unionised workplace, with strong Delegate and OHS structure, can present a united front to employers wanting to exploit workers. The TWU is committed to ensuring that members' wages and conditions are protected.Along with the industrial services provided by the TWU, the Union adds value to your membership by giving you access to discounted goods and services. TWU Member Plus delivers members and their families with unprecedented savings and benefits. TWU membership also entitles you to a Funeral Benefit, Schoolbook Scholarships, discounted movie tickets, access to a Free Will and much more. We introduced these benefits because we want to be relevant to the partners and families of our members.
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