


Attention Span
Attention Span
  • 休闲
  • 7.2M


  • Attention Span截图0
  • Attention Span截图1
  • Attention Span截图2
  • Attention Span截图3
  • Attention Span截图4
Attention Span is a game which lives up to its name like no other. This is a logic and time based knowledge game which is humbling and sometimes humiliating. Attention Span is a test of your knowledge through a simple quiz, however the questions of the quiz are complex and answering each of them before the buzzer is very difficult. The questions have an identical format and each one proves to be an even better brain teaser than its predecessor. All you must do in this game is guess the right colour and tap on the right answer of the given 3 options, seems simple, to be honest it is simple, or it should be simple. Hence the questions are a set of words spelling a colour, although the colour in which they are written is different. You must select the right colour filling that word. What makes this game interesting but confusing at the same time is this, that when you play the game there is a strict time limit for each answer. Therefore, it becomes very difficult and any break in your attention forces you to start over. Your score increases with every right answer you give and you start over every time you answer wrong. The simplicity of this game is what makes it overly addictive and you will keep coming back for one more round, not because of the gameplay or graphics or sound, you will come back to prove your potential. Often this game will make you wonder how a concept as easy as this can prove to be this difficult. Tip: Keep playing, that is the only tip. 全部
  • Attention Span截图0
  • Attention Span截图1
  • Attention Span截图2
  • Attention Span截图3
  • Attention Span截图4
Attention Span is a game which lives up to its name like no other. This is a logic and time based knowledge game which is humbling and sometimes humiliating. Attention Span is a test of your knowledge through a simple quiz, however the questions of the quiz are complex and answering each of them before the buzzer is very difficult. The questions have an identical format and each one proves to be an even better brain teaser than its predecessor. All you must do in this game is guess the right colour and tap on the right answer of the given 3 options, seems simple, to be honest it is simple, or it should be simple. Hence the questions are a set of words spelling a colour, although the colour in which they are written is different. You must select the right colour filling that word. What makes this game interesting but confusing at the same time is this, that when you play the game there is a strict time limit for each answer. Therefore, it becomes very difficult and any break in your attention forces you to start over. Your score increases with every right answer you give and you start over every time you answer wrong. The simplicity of this game is what makes it overly addictive and you will keep coming back for one more round, not because of the gameplay or graphics or sound, you will come back to prove your potential. Often this game will make you wonder how a concept as easy as this can prove to be this difficult. Tip: Keep playing, that is the only tip. 全部
  • Attention Span截图0
  • Attention Span截图1
  • Attention Span截图2
  • Attention Span截图3
  • Attention Span截图4
Attention Span is a game which lives up to its name like no other. This is a logic and time based knowledge game which is humbling and sometimes humiliating. Attention Span is a test of your knowledge through a simple quiz, however the questions of the quiz are complex and answering each of them before the buzzer is very difficult. The questions have an identical format and each one proves to be an even better brain teaser than its predecessor. All you must do in this game is guess the right colour and tap on the right answer of the given 3 options, seems simple, to be honest it is simple, or it should be simple. Hence the questions are a set of words spelling a colour, although the colour in which they are written is different. You must select the right colour filling that word. What makes this game interesting but confusing at the same time is this, that when you play the game there is a strict time limit for each answer. Therefore, it becomes very difficult and any break in your attention forces you to start over. Your score increases with every right answer you give and you start over every time you answer wrong. The simplicity of this game is what makes it overly addictive and you will keep coming back for one more round, not because of the gameplay or graphics or sound, you will come back to prove your potential. Often this game will make you wonder how a concept as easy as this can prove to be this difficult. Tip: Keep playing, that is the only tip. 全部
  • 金铲铲之战截图0
  • 金铲铲之战截图1
  • 金铲铲之战截图2
  • 金铲铲之战截图3
  • 金铲铲之战截图4
《金铲铲之战》是英雄联盟 云顶之弈正版授权的自动战斗品类手游,每局比赛由八名玩家共同进行一场各自为战的博弈对抗,玩家通过招兵买马,融合英雄,提升战力,排兵布阵,成为最终立于战场上的赢家。 除了延续经典的玩法之外,还加入了快速模式、双人模式及阵容挑战赛等更多精彩内容,赶紧体验! 全部
  • Attention Span截图0
  • Attention Span截图1
  • Attention Span截图2
  • Attention Span截图3
  • Attention Span截图4
Attention Span is a game which lives up to its name like no other. This is a logic and time based knowledge game which is humbling and sometimes humiliating. Attention Span is a test of your knowledge through a simple quiz, however the questions of the quiz are complex and answering each of them before the buzzer is very difficult. The questions have an identical format and each one proves to be an even better brain teaser than its predecessor. All you must do in this game is guess the right colour and tap on the right answer of the given 3 options, seems simple, to be honest it is simple, or it should be simple. Hence the questions are a set of words spelling a colour, although the colour in which they are written is different. You must select the right colour filling that word. What makes this game interesting but confusing at the same time is this, that when you play the game there is a strict time limit for each answer. Therefore, it becomes very difficult and any break in your attention forces you to start over. Your score increases with every right answer you give and you start over every time you answer wrong. The simplicity of this game is what makes it overly addictive and you will keep coming back for one more round, not because of the gameplay or graphics or sound, you will come back to prove your potential. Often this game will make you wonder how a concept as easy as this can prove to be this difficult. Tip: Keep playing, that is the only tip. 全部



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